Our members specialise in several areas of estate planning, they are not just Will Writers…
They can advise you on:
- Wills
- Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Inheritance Tax planning / Lifetime Gifting
- Business Planning
- Probate Property
- Tracing Services
- Trusts of Land
- Estate Administration
- Professional Trustee / Trust administration
- Long term care funding
- Court of Protection applications
- Tax Returns
- Conveyancing
- Pensions
- Life Assurance
- Mortgages
Please note: not all members will offer all services so please look out for the services offered on their listing.
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The impact of not making a Will on loved ones after we pass away can be devastating. It can mean your loved ones face more heartache at an already difficult time.
Potentially your assets could go to those whom you would not wish to benefit from your death, and those that you do loose out.
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Many of us have heard the term trusts but most of us do not really understand what a trust is or does.
A trust is a powerful estate planning tool used to protect your assets as far as possible so that even after you have gone it helps to ensure they do not end up in the wrong hands.

Lasting Powers of Attorney
We know that our wishes after we have died need to be stated in a Will, but what happens if we become incapacitated mentally or physically in our lifetime? Who makes the decisions about our welfare? Who ensures the bills are paid if we suddenly find we cannot get to the bank?
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Probate is the name given to the process of collecting in and distributing out, all assets owned by the deceased.
Unfortunately, at a time when you need to grieve, this complex and time-consuming task may feel like too much to take on. Our members will be able to complete this process on your behalf and help shoulder some of the immense burden following a loved one’s death.
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