An Update from the Office of the Public Guardian
We were recently contacted by the OPG to discuss some changes that they are making to their ‘Use and View a Lasting Power of Attorney Service’.
The service was initially launched in July 2020 to allow donors and attorneys to share the details of an LPA online. Currently, the service will only note ‘instructions’ or ‘preferences’ on an LPA but doesn’t show any details meaning that organisations will often need to see the original hard copy of the LPA document.
The team at the OPG have been working hard behind the scenes to make improvements to this to allow the details for any one particular instruction to be visible on their ‘View an LPA Service’ and the good news is that this is now ready to be launched!
From 4th July onwards the service will show a scanned image of the instructions and preferences as written in the LPA, including any continuation sheets with additional information. This will also be visible to donors or attorneys which will enable them to check the details before providing the access code to third party organisations.
We will continue to provide updates like this as a result of our on-going working relationship with the Office of the Public Guardian.