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Do you live in the Bristol area and…

… have children under the age of 18?
… wish to decide who inherits from you?
… want to make your wishes clear?

If your answer is “yes” to any of these, you should make a Will.

For parents, it’s particularly important. If you have children under the age of 18, you can appoint guardians to take care of your children if both parents have passed away.

If you know what your wishes are but haven’t got around to making a Will, it’s possible that your loved ones won’t inherit.

Who would inherit? It would be decided by the law. To find out, use the interactive intestacy tool on the Government website (search Google for “Intestacy – who inherits if someone dies without a will?”)

Better still, don’t leave it to chance – make a Will with Bristol Wills & Estate Planning.

To book an appointment, call 0117 440 1230 or visit

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